Saturday, April 27, 2019


Deb Kearney
Deb Kearney, former Pet Sitter, Senior Animal Adopter.
Dogs seem to choose the person who feeds them, cares for them the most. Cats have a different system entirely.
My daughter talked me into adopting a brother and sister 3 months old. She was determined that they would bond with her. They were kept in her room, litter was in her room, food, water, cat tree. She would sit for hours with them. FF 4 years later, the male is bonded with her - sort of - he prefers her, but will accept attention from anyone. The female for some strange reason chose me. She pretty much won’t let anyone near her, rarely even myself, all day long. But once I hit the bed for the night there is a mandatory 15 minutes of her sitting/lying on my chest and me scratching, rubbing, petting her all over with loud purring. Till she finally settles down to sleep. She’ll stay on my chest until I move and she has no choice, then she’ll settle at my feet. This happens every single night. If I try to skip the ritual and go right to sleep my face is rubbed until I give in. If I put my hands under the covers to cut it short, she’ll reach out her paw to touch my cheek. And who can resist a gentle touch on the cheek from a beautiful cat looking into your eyes with her own soulful look? She’s my girl. And I put -0- effort into forming a bond with her. She simply chose me.

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