Friday, June 21, 2019

What is that one driving tip you should know?

Phil Jones
Phil Jones, Senior Developer

A handy one I learnt a few years ago, which saved me from being rear-ended about 3 years ago.
If you come across stationary traffic in an unexpected place (e.g. motorway/highway/country lane), stop a long way behind the car at the tail of the queue, and put your hazard lights on.
If a car is approaching too fast behind you, you have space to move into, if they can’t stop in time. On the occasion I did this, I was looking in my mirror for the next car to join a queue that was just round a corner on an English country road. I saw that he was going too fast to stop, and in fact he started to skid towards me, so I was able to drive forwards into the 2-car-length space I’d left, and he skidded into the bush at the side of the road, doing very little damage to his car, and none to mine.

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